Last night my roommate and I realized there was an easy talking point out there that Democrats were just missing out on. You know how right after the 2004 election Bush declared that he had a new batch of "political capital" to spend? Do you also remember how big our current fiscal imbalance is? Well, it's obvious:
This president's political capital deficit is as big as his government's fiscal deficit.
In both cases, when faced with a gas tank on 'E', Bush has pushed ahead like Kramer in that one episode of Seinfeld (you know the one). The thing is, Bush has nothing to show for his spent political capital. Nothing at all. With approval ratings in the low 40s, he nominates a dud who absolutely no one likes. Subsequently he reached a new approval rating low that even Richard Nixon would have been impressed by of 37%. This president just doesn't know how to stop being counterproductive. That is a sign of poor leadership and poor vision - two qualities presidents are supposed to have.